Media design (Bachelor of Arts) (Bachelor of Arts)
Dynamic styles and forward-thinking designs - experience the world of work from a completely new perspective! engelbert strauss, with its 1000-strong workforce, is Europe's leading supplier of trend-setting workwear. Become a part of our team in Biebergemünd. Apply for our dual study programme now!
Do you have a good intuition for colours, shapes and lettering? Are you creative? Do you ooze with ideas and want to put your talent with graphics into action? Do the terms Photoshop and Illlustrator mean something to you? Then this is the right dual study programme for you!
Your responsibilities...
- Developing and implementing complete design concepts
- Designing flyers, brochures, posters, advertisements, product packaging and lots more within the corporate design
- Professional implementation of ideas from the layout to the print file
- Editing and designing images and photos
Training lasts 3 years
Study location DHBW Ravensburg
Study course...
...Besides the subjects of Digital Illustrations, Web Design, Drawing, Text Design, Animation and Photography, basic Business Administration is also covered.
Your work area... will spend the majority of your time in the Design & Event and Marketing departments.
Your profile - you...
- can give your creativity free reign with graphics programs and with a simple pencil and paper.
- have a basic working knowledge of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop
- are interested in new technology and are at home in the multimedia world
- are flexible, a team player and capable of working under pressure.
- like to assume responsibility and enjoy working independently.
- achieved a general higher education entrance qualification with a good average grade.
- always give 100%, are dedicated and live in the world of engelbert strauss.
Follow your instinct. Apply now!
Some of our many highlights at e.s.
- Good chance of being taken on with great future prospects
- multi-month semester abroad in an English-speaking country
- organising and carrying out your own projects
- and lots more!
Deine Daten kannst du uns schnell und einfach über unser Online-Formular unter "Jetzt bewerben" zukommen lassen.
Das sollte deine Bewerbung beinhalten:
- Anschreiben
- Lebenslauf (gerne mit Lichtbild)
- letzten drei Zeugnisse
- Gestaltungsportfolio (digitale Projekte wie Webdesigns, Ad-Gestaltung, etc.)
- evtl. Praktikabescheinigungen
- evtl. Zertifikate
- Du willst dir einen Spot in der Studi-WG sichern? Lass es uns in deiner Bewerbung direkt wissen! Hier erfährst du mehr.
Alternativ kannst du uns deine Bewerbungsunterlagen auch klassisch per Post zuschicken:
Strauss GmbH & Co. KG
HR - Human Relations
Frankfurter Straße 98-102
63599 Biebergemünd, Germany
Du hast Fragen? Dann melde dich gerne bei:
Pia Desch oder Caroline Kröffges
0 60 50 / 97 10 3003
Hier gehts zu den Datenschutzbestimmungen.